Saturday, January 26, 2008

By the way..............

It has been awhile since the last post and much has happened. Mainly, McCoy has become a big brother. Behold Miss Finley Hazel Ann Brooks......
Stay tuned for more exciting updates! And more pictures!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Summer Fun 2007

First of all, I have no idea how I got two of the same picture up on the blog. More importantly, I have no idea how to "remove" either one of them. Chalk it up to me only knowing how to play solitaire on the computer. Now onto other, more pertinent details. McCoy spent his last summer as an only child doing all kinds of fun stuff. Below are just a sampling of his activities........... Camping at the "Dosey" with his cousins Issac and Gavin. Mom, Dad, Grandma Linda, Aunt Becca and Claire also were there but mostly in just a supervisory capacity. You know, trying not to let them drown in the river and stuff.

The three master builders working together on a new super highway which will be connecting the West and East coasts in the near future.

Bratuwurst monitoring responsibilities are not to be taken lightly as McCoy shows here he is more that up to the task. Mmmmmm, hot dogs!!

McCoy and Luna preparing their campfire story for the close of the evening. You gotta believe me when I tell ya, when these two get together to spin a yarn, it is one truly unbelievable tall tale!!!

McCoy's first big slide at the King County Fairgrounds. He might look like he is not sure what is happening but in actuallity he is already trying to jump off so we can begin to head back up for another go!!

"Airplane" was one of his first words (and still is one of his favorites!) so he and Mama decided to take good ol' Thunderbolt out for a little spin.

Seriously, who hasn't wanted to work his or her way through a wall of cake??!!? Good news, he made it all the way to the end.

When visiting the San Juans for a friends wedding McCoys pheremones seemed to attract all kinds of different species. Case in point, a camel came by to visit. You heard me, a camel on the San Juan Islands...................

Hot tubbing with Daddy. Pure joy on these faces!!

McCoy and his girlfriend Adriah enjoying a nice frosty beverage together. He is already learning a very important life lesson on how to properly utilize the phrase "Yes Dear".

A trip to the zoo and the shark tank. Nice shirt!!!

While at the zoo, he was very interested in the flora and fauna all around him. He wanted to truly be a part of the entire zoo experience so Rachael let him crawl into the elephant habitat and just hang out a bit. I do believe he learned much this day!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Halloween with McCoy

McCoy was not sure what he wanted to be for Halloween this year. With some advice and fashion tips from his mother he decided he would go as Borat. As you will surely agree, a very wise choice!!

With poses like this he could also claim to be dressed as a Olympic Russian weightlifter from the 1970's. This of course is the world famous "Watermelon" pose.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Like I said in the previous posting, this picture should come as no surprise to anyone. Luckily for all of us, Rachael has begun seeking treatment and has been venturing out of the house a couple of times per day. Everyday, I wake up and look at this picture and say to myself, "Self, this is your family!" I am so blessed!!