Sunday, September 17, 2006

Inagural Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend

Here we have Joyce and I at approximately 4 AM (!!) on the day of the race. Just before we headed off to the big run. This was Joyce's first half marathon. She was a little nervous about it but as her time at the end would show, she had no reason to be.
People ask why those who run half and full marathons do so and after looking at this medal, is there any question why............................?? Plus it's DISNEYLAND!!!!!!
After the finish of the race with the REAL reasons we run. Joyce's son Colin and daughter Alysse and the Mighty McCoy. Along with Rachael and Jeff, the best support team anyone could ask for.

McCoy had some difficulty getting to the starting line on time for the 100 yard Diaper Dash but he still hot his medal and had a great time. Notice his number!! Number 1 baby!

Rachael started out the Brooks family run weekend with a fantastic finish in her first 5K. Great job Mama!!

All in all, a great weekend had by all. Can't wait until next year.


McCoy's first true road trip was on the way to Disneyland. Since he is now a big boy and likes to talk alot, he offered to find a way to help keep his backseat comments to himself. I think he did a pretty good job!!
He learned that one of the main benefits of road trips and not being a driver is you can nap anytime, anywhere and for however long you like!! Plus you can fall asleep with your newest and most favorite toy (Thanks Colin!) and it will still be there for you in your hand when you wake up..........unless Mommy puts it away.

He was ADAMANT about driving the truck so after much discussion and debate, we decided to let him drive through Central Oregon only. If you look closely you can see Rachael's hands working the accelerator and brakes!! He is looking over his shoulder to check that his blind spot is clear as well.

Fun at home!!

McCoy is 8 months now! Crawling, babbling, pulling himself up, cruisin' and loving food more and more!!! He now likes to reach in our mouths as we are eating in hopes to get a little for himself! FYI....fingerpainting with an 8 month old is messy. He loves to sit in the kitchen sink and play, especially after an extra sloppy meal. More posts to come... we are on our roadtrip, and currently in Disneyland!!!