Saturday, March 31, 2007

Brooks Family Update

I know, I know it has been quite awhile since we published anything in McCoy's blog. He is growing (and walking/running!!!) so fast it is taking alot to keep up with him. But we also have discovered something new on the horizon for the Brooks clan. If you take a look at the following pictures, perhaps you can help the boy figure out what this new and exciting news just might be. Any guesses?
I think he might have an idea. He still might need a little explanation so he can fully understand what is in store for him and his Mommy & Daddy.

And for the parenting challenged, this should make the news hopefully quite clear. That's right, the Brooks are expecting another little bambino. Girl or boy? Who knows. We should know for sure about the middle of October 2007. If demand exists, perhaps even another "Baby Brooks Birth Pool" might come into existence...............One can only hope.